Above is a concept render of my project. I used this image along with a presentation to pitch the idea to the design lead at PragerNuForm. Below are some pictures of what the speakers looked like before altering. My goal is to take a set of old speakers that don't look great and tie them all together into a modern design that brings them new life.  
Before I could alter the speakers I needed to create the parts. This includes chrome-plated stainless steel, laminate, acrylic and more. To have all these parts made I communicated to a vendor with drawing packages as seen below.
After communicating with the vendor, I assembled all the pieces to create the final product. This process involved covering the diaphragms of the speakers, then covering them in spray glue and adding the CNC laminate. Next, I fixed the stainless steel tubes with wood screws, painted the nobs and added the acrylic cover.

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